Compounds |
class | AbstractTrans |
| Abstract base class for transactions and similar business cases in HBCI. More...
class | Account |
| The abstract base class for an account in OpenHBCI. More...
class | AccountBalance |
| Stores all values/balances of an Account as sent to us by the Bank. More...
class | API |
| This is the central OpenHBCI wrapper class. More...
class | Auth |
| Interface class to provide a method to retrieve a PIN. More...
class | Balance |
| Stores all data belonging to one specific balance. More...
class | Bank |
| The abstract base class for a bank in HBCI. More...
class | bpdJob |
| Internal bank parameter data that describes a HBCI job. More...
class | Customer |
| Represents the Customer of a Bank in HBCI (which is a specific role of a User). More...
class | Date |
| Represents a date in Openhbci. More...
class | Error |
| This class is thrown when an error occurs. More...
class | Hbci |
| The central user interaction class for all HBCI connections through OpenHBCI. More...
class | instituteMessage |
| A message sent to us by the bank. More...
class | Interactor |
| Interface class to provide methods for every user interaction that is needed by the core OpenHBCI. More...
class | InteractorCB |
| Alternative implementation class for the Interactor interface. More...
class | Limit |
class | Medium |
| Abstract base class for any security medium in OpenHBCI. More...
class | MediumPlugin |
| This is the abstract base class for a medium plugin. More...
class | MediumPluginList |
class | MediumRDHBase |
| Base class for all RDH based media. More...
class | MessageReference |
| Fully qualified reference to a specific message that was sent some time earlier. More...
class | OutboxAccountJob |
| Abstract base class for account based OutboxJob in HBCIAPI Abstract base class for account based jobs. More...
class | OutboxJob |
| Abstract base class for all jobs to be used with HBCIAPI. More...
class | OutboxJobChangeKeys |
| This job allows you to change your cryptographic keys. More...
class | OutboxJobDebitNote |
| Job that issues a debit note in favor of a Account. More...
class | OutboxJobDeleteStandingOrder |
| Job that deletes an existing standing order. More...
class | OutboxJobDisableKeys |
| Job that locks both, the current crypt and sign key of a user. More...
class | OutboxJobDisableLostKeys |
| Job that locks both, the current crypt and sign key of a user. More...
class | OutboxJobGetAccounts |
| Job that updates the list of Account's for a Customer. More...
class | OutboxJobGetBalance |
| Job that retrieves the balance of an Account. More...
class | OutboxJobGetKeys |
| Job that gets the server keys. More...
class | OutboxJobGetStandingOrders |
| Job that retrieves all standing orders for one Account. More...
class | OutboxJobGetStatusReports |
| Job that retrieves all Transaction's of one Account. More...
class | OutboxJobGetSystemId |
| Job that gets the system id to synchronize it. More...
class | OutboxJobGetTransactions |
| Job that retrieves all Transaction's of one Account. More...
class | OutboxJobKeys |
| Base class for key management This job gets the servers keys or send ours. It is a base class for key management. More...
class | OutboxJobNewStandingOrder |
| Job that creates a new standing order for a Account at the bank. More...
class | OutboxJobSendKeys |
| Job that sends the keys of one Customer (FIXME: this should rather be a User) to the server. More...
class | OutboxJobSynchronize |
| Base class for synchronization jobs. Job that synchronizes with the server. More...
class | OutboxJobTransfer |
| Job that initiates a money transfer from a Account This job transfers money from one of our account to somebody else's account. More...
class | Plugin |
| This is the base class for a plugin. More...
class | Pointer |
| A smart pointer template class. More...
class | PointerBase |
| Base class for the smart pointer template class. More...
class | ProgressMonitor |
| Interface class to show the progress of an action in HBCIAPI. More...
class | ProgressMonitorCB |
| Callback based implementation of ProgressMonitor. More...
class | StandingOrder |
| Holds all the data of a Standing Order in HBCI. More...
class | StatusReport |
| Status information about one particular message. More...
class | String |
| Some static methods to manipulate strings. More...
class | Time |
| Represents the time of day in HBCI. More...
class | Transaction |
| Holds all the data of a transaction in HBCI. More...
class | User |
| Represents a user of a bank in HBCI. More...
class | Value |
| Represents a monetary value in HBCI. More...
Functions |
bool | operator< (const Date &d1, const Date &d2) |
bool | operator> (const Date &d1, const Date &d2) |
bool | operator== (const Date &d1, const Date &d2) |
bool | operator< (const Time &t1, const Time &t2) |
bool | operator> (const Time &t1, const Time &t2) |
bool | operator== (const Time &t1, const Time &t2) |
bool | operator< (const Value &v1, const Value &v2) |
bool | operator> (const Value &v1, const Value &v2) |
bool | operator== (const Value &v1, const Value &v2) |