abstracttrans.h [code] | Abstract base class HBCI::AbstractTrans definition. No C wrappers |
account.h [code] | Definitions of HBCI::Account and its HBCI_Account C wrapper |
api.h [code] | Contains the definition of HBCI::API as well as its HBCI_API C wrapper functions |
auth.h [code] | Definition of HBCI::Auth. No C wrapper |
balance.h [code] | HBCI::Balance, HBCI::AccountBalance, and their C wrappers HBCI_Balance, HBCI_AccountBalance |
bank.h [code] | HBCI::Bank, its C wrapper HBCI_Bank. Also HBCI::instituteMessage but no C wrappers |
bpdjob.h [code] | Definitions of HBCI::bpdJob and HBCI_bpdJob |
customer.h [code] | Definitions of HBCI::Customer and its HBCI_Customer C wrapper |
date.h [code] | HBCI::Date, HBCI::Time, and their C wrappers HBCI_Date, HBCI_Time |
error.h [code] | Definitions of HBCI::Error and its C wrapper HBCI_Error |
hbci.h [code] | Definition of the central object HBCI::Hbci and its C wrapper HBCI_Hbci |
hbcistring.h [code] | Helper class HBCI::String with only static methods. No C wrappers |
hbcistringlist.h [code] | C wrapper for list of strings, list_string |
interactor.h [code] | HBCI::Interactor and C wrapper HBCI_Interactor |
interactorcb.h [code] | Callback-using HBCI::InteractorCB, intended to be used from C wrapper HBCI_InteractorCB |
limit.h [code] | HBCI::Limit and its C wrappers HBCI_Limit |
listwrappers.h [code] | C wrappers for STL lists, e.g. list_int |
medium.h [code] | Abstract base class HBCI::Medium and its C wrapper HBCI_Medium |
mediumplugin.h [code] | |
mediumpluginlist.h [code] | List of plugins, with C wrappers |
mediumrdhbase.h [code] | Base class for RDH media HBCI::MediumRDHBase and C wrapper HBCI_MediumRDHBase |
openhbci.h [code] | Includes all OpenHBCI headers |
outboxaccjobs.h [code] | Account-related OutboxJobs and their C wrappers |
outboxjob.h [code] | Abstract base class HBCI::OutboxJob and its C wrapper HBCI_OutboxJob functions |
outboxjobkeys.h [code] | Key management related Outboxjobs and their C wrappers |
outboxjobs.h [code] | Miscellaneous OutboxJobs and their C wrappers |
outboxstojobs.h [code] | Standing Order related Outboxjobs and their C wrappers |
plugin.h [code] | |
pointer.h [code] | Smart pointer HBCI::Pointer with helper classes. No C wrappers |
progressmonitor.h [code] | HBCI::ProgressMonitor and its C wrapper HBCI_ProgressMonitor |
progressmonitorcb.h [code] | Callback-using HBCI::ProgressMonitorCB, intended to be used from C wrapper HBCI_ProgressMonitorCB |
standingorder.h [code] | HBCI::StandingOrder and C wrapper HBCI_StandingOrder |
statusreport.h [code] | MessageReference, StatusReport and their C wrappers |
transaction.h [code] | HBCI::Transaction and its C wrapper HBCI_Transaction |
user.h [code] | Definitions of HBCI::User and its HBCI_User C wrapper |
value.h [code] | HBCI::Value and its C wrapper HBCI_Value |