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HBCI::OutboxJobKeys Class Reference

Base class for key management This job gets the servers keys or send ours. It is a base class for key management. More...

#include <outboxjobkeys.h>

Inheritance diagram for HBCI::OutboxJobKeys:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Protected Methods

 OutboxJobKeys (const API *api, Pointer< Customer > c, bool sk)
 ~OutboxJobKeys ()
virtual bool createHBCIJobs (Pointer< MessageQueue > mbox, int n=0)
virtual bool evaluate ()
virtual bool commit (int msgNumber=HBCI_COMMIT_WHOLE_JOB)
string description () const
virtual bool isDialogJob () const
virtual int messages () const
list< int > resultCodes () const

Protected Attributes

const API_hbciapi
Pointer< Job > _initjob
Pointer< Job > _exitjob

Detailed Description

Base class for key management This job gets the servers keys or send ours. It is a base class for key management.

Martin Preuss<>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HBCI::OutboxJobKeys::OutboxJobKeys const API   api,
Pointer< Customer   c,
bool    sk

HBCI::OutboxJobKeys::~OutboxJobKeys   [protected]

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool HBCI::OutboxJobKeys::commit int    msgNumber = HBCI_COMMIT_WHOLE_JOB [protected, virtual]

Call this method to commit changes to the system.

Since Jobs do not change the system you may call this method to commit the changes. A job for getting the balance for example may decide to store the retrieved balance in the corresponding account.

msgNumber  Number of the message for which the response should be committed. As a job may consist of more than one message, it might be necessary to commit recieved changes before the rest of the job is sent. This method is called for each message and finally for the whole job (if called for the whol job, msgNumber is set to HBCI_COMMIT_WHOLE_JOB)
Martin Preuss<>
Returns :
true on success, false otherwise

Implements HBCI::OutboxJob.

Reimplemented in HBCI::OutboxJobDisableKeys, and HBCI::OutboxJobChangeKeys.

virtual bool HBCI::OutboxJobKeys::createHBCIJobs Pointer< MessageQueue >    mbox,
int    n = 0
[protected, virtual]

Let the job create the "real" jobs and add them to the message queue given.

Martin Preuss<>
Returns :
true on success, false otherwise
mbox  pointer to the messagebox to add the jobs to
n  the number of the message to create. In most cases this is zero.

Implements HBCI::OutboxJob.

Reimplemented in HBCI::OutboxJobDisableKeys, HBCI::OutboxJobDisableLostKeys, and HBCI::OutboxJobChangeKeys.

string HBCI::OutboxJobKeys::description   const [inline, protected, virtual]

Return a short description of what the job is supposed to do.

Martin Preuss<>

Implements HBCI::OutboxJob.

Reimplemented in HBCI::OutboxJobGetKeys, HBCI::OutboxJobSendKeys, HBCI::OutboxJobDisableKeys, and HBCI::OutboxJobChangeKeys.

virtual bool HBCI::OutboxJobKeys::evaluate   [protected, virtual]

Let the job check the result and set the flags.

Let the job check the result. This means checking the results of all Jobs involved (which otherwise is not done automatically). This method sets its status and result accordingly -- otherwise the status and result flags might not be up-to-date.

Martin Preuss<>
Returns :
true if job was successfull, false otherwise

Implements HBCI::OutboxJob.

virtual bool HBCI::OutboxJobKeys::isDialogJob   const [inline, protected, virtual]

Return true if this OutboxJob is a dialog job.

A dialog job is one that handles the opening and closing of a dialog itself. Such are OutboxJobGetKeys, OutboxJobSendKeys etc.

Martin Preuss<>

Reimplemented from HBCI::OutboxJob.

virtual int HBCI::OutboxJobKeys::messages   const [inline, protected, virtual]

Returns the number of messages this job needs.

This method is used to calculate the return value of OutboxJob::stillMessagesToSend, and it is used by API::_handleJobQueue to determine the number of actions that are going to be started.

If this is a dialog job, then it consists of at least two messages:

  • dialog init message
  • dialog closing message
Since not all jobs may be mixed in ONE message this method returns the number of messages it needs.

Martin Preuss<>

Reimplemented from HBCI::OutboxJob.

Reimplemented in HBCI::OutboxJobDisableKeys, HBCI::OutboxJobDisableLostKeys, and HBCI::OutboxJobChangeKeys.

list<int> HBCI::OutboxJobKeys::resultCodes   const [protected, virtual]

Returns a list of result codes of this job.

This can be used to get more detailed information if the result of this job was HBCI_JOB_RESULT_FAILED. In that case, you can traverse this list, checking for resultcodes >= 9000. Each of those can be the source of the job failure, so you can react accordingly. HBCI spec suggests that the most important of them can be found at the front() already, but that depends on your bank.

Note: A resultcode >= 9000 does not automatically mean an error, see MessageQueue::getResult().

See also:
MessageQueue::getResult(), Job::errorcodeIsLibraryBug()

Implements HBCI::OutboxJob.

Member Data Documentation

Pointer<Job> HBCI::OutboxJobKeys::_exitjob [protected]

const API* HBCI::OutboxJobKeys::_hbciapi [protected]

Pointer<Job> HBCI::OutboxJobKeys::_initjob [protected]

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